Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Making Probiotic Frozen Yogurt At Home

Today we are celebrating 80 years of Che, in The (UNRC) opens an Guevarista Thinking Chair

From The small Bolivian town of La Higuera, as worldwide, today marks the 41 anniversary of the assassination of Argentine-Cuban guerrilla Ernesto Che Guevara , while fighting in that nation .

As long as it does to academia in the (UNRC) National University of Rio Cuarto se abrió, una cátedra de pensamiento Guevarista en consonancia con el mes de su nacimiento.

Garden of Revolution - Che Guevara.
Werner Horvath Asutria.
Su militancia entre nosotros terminó a los treinta y nueve años.
Pero no consiguieron matarlo.
Ho y está más vivo que en sus cuatro décadas de existencia real.

Ernesto Che Guevara derramo temprano su sangre para contribuir al proyecto de un mundo de libertad, igualdad justicia y Peace: Today Che is more present than at the time they thought they could kill the ideas.
tried everything to condemn it to oblivion, cut his body and hid their members in different places on it invented all sorts of lies circulate their literature banned in many countries.
Che alive in photographs, paintings, music, theater, films, poems, novels, sculptures and academic texts. The image of his face under the famous Korda photo, is at the center of the boards of more humble dwellings on the planet.
chains Observe that the symbols do not imprison or kill bullets examples, to the football games the fans raised signs with his face.
And see not spent a penny on that spread of her image. She alone is important to reflect the ideas that made him a revolutionary.
None of that is due to marketing. They are spontaneous gestures of those who want to emphasize that utopia remains alive.
Today, summing up the legacy of Che and celebrate his eighty years requires us to maintain the heart and eyes turned towards the alarming situation of our planet, remains the hegemony of the empire of savage neoliberalism.

Crowds, mostly young, are not attracted to the individualism and community spirit, competitiveness and solidarity not, to the unbridled ambition and not the struggle for the eradication of poverty.
There are four billion people living below the poverty line.

distress We also environmental degradation.
World leaders are deaf to warnings and talk of global warming, the melting of polar icecaps and the desertification of the forest.

Devastation of the Amazon is startling.
face of this world in which the stock market serves as a barometer of the supposed happiness of man,

Faced with the reality of our country where our President-called progressive talk Redistricting at the UN social funds and then turns to the Paris Club,
Against the exploitation of workers that exists in country nuetsro eyes and knowing self-elected trade union bureaucrats Pseudolíderes,
In our province the social inequality, poverty opportunities, suicide paths grow bounds.
What do?
What is the best way to commemorate the eighty years of Che?
I think the best gift would be to see new generations believing and fighting for another possible world, where solidarity is habit, not virtue.
justice practice an ethical and I emphasize at this point and have an emphasis priviligeio study at a free public university, the social role of students and future professionals is the project of forming a society but just, participatory and democratic, contributing to the evolution of this society crammed suffer daily violations, and advocating for real social change, returning to her acquired knowledge and not just to learn and use technology.
build a world without environmental degradation, hunger and social inequality.
"We all increasingly face it, not as a past event but as a future project."
Note * (A. C)

opened by chair of Thought Guevarista (Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto)
stressed the ideals of Che Guevara in
the struggle for freedom

Rogelio Roldan, director of notebooks and Director-Marxist School of Political Formation of the Communist Party of Córdoba, and Henry Boisrolin, coordinator of the Haitian Democratic Committee in Argentina, spoke on "The shift to the left of the American people" , in what was the first call of the chair of Thought Guevarista, endorsed by the Council of the UNRC and organized by the University of the Left Movement.
The 14 was completed 80 years of the birth of Ernesto Guevara and on behalf of students of University of the Left Movement, the Supreme Council decided to endorse the Thinking Chair Guevarista, which takes place at the University from Tuesday and 10,
17 and June 4.
The objectives of this Chair are: creating a space for discussion between young people and professionals, activists, students, academics, social leaders and politicians, central axes of the XXI century socialism, delve into new thinking about being Latin American, understand the ongoing construction of Latin American leftist alternatives, understand the general lines of thought Guevara.
in future meetings are expected to attend the panelists Fernando Lagrave, a graduate in economics and professor at the Faculty of Economics of the UNRC, Eduardo Galimberti, BA in Sociology and a professor at the chair UNRC Political Sociology, General Sociology and Social Planning for the Teaching of Science in Legal, Political and Social Science degree in Policy and Advocacy, Oscar's Birthday, a professor of the Chair of "Che" on University Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, Jorge Testero, professor at the Universidad Nacional de Rosario, and Mario Oyola, a degree in Economics. Rogelio Roldán "Guevara's thought is Marxism of the 21st century" Rogelio Roldán, at the opening of the chair and before about 40 people, adding that "Che everybody knows how bad or good strategist known as a military and this was the case.
Actually, Che was also a scholar of Marxism, which has made contributions in terms of political economy. It was a great critic of the Manual of the Academy of Science of the Soviet Union, which was the official orthodoxy of Marxism. And that took into account the relations of production rather than the human role of individuals, groups, social classes, parties. Guevara also made serious contributions in the theory of Marxist humanism reflected in his work Socialism and Man in Cuba. " Roland explained that "Guevara was an anti-imperialist thinking, Latin Americanist" and said that "in Bolivia, Guevara tried to continue the epic sanmartiniana
because he understood that America was a single country, a great country and now requires to be released completely and definitively. "
About the possibilities of implementing the ideas currently touted Che Roldán
found that "the world is globalized since 1492 but globalization as globalization
unrestrained rotation of capital. And if today we can say that in a few years, capitalism, in the last 15 or 20 years, showed that not only has failed to solve any problem, but only worsens them all. We call this civilizational crisis phenomenon and implies that capitalism lives as an economic system, politics, ideology and institutions are weak. The institutions of capitalism are depleted by
that the moral crisis of representation. Even we are facing a military crisis, the world's strongest superpower is bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan. "
The student of the ideas of Ernesto Guevara said that "capitalism has created a new
problem is the climate crisis that is threatening the survival of the planet. Reserves are running out of water, minerals, and there is also a crisis of consumption because it seemed what was to be eternal it is not. And anyway, taking up to Galeano if everyone consumed as in the North in 50 years we ran out of planet. "
emphasized that "who is doing a task in this regard and has been announcing all these problems is Fidel Castro
. Already noted, for example, about the problems of using food for biofuel development
, which is a brutal, I say think that thousands of people are going to be without food to throw gasoline on cars. "

Boisrolin Henry (El Che inspires further luchandop for freedom in Haiti and around the world) was opened by Chair
Thinking Guevarista Boisrolin enry, coordinator of the Haitian Democratic Committee in Argentina, living in the city of Cordoba. He argued that "to commemorate the eightieth anniversary of the birth of Che are remembering one of the heroes of the liberation struggle of our people and we are also remembering his teachings, which are useful to us in these difficult times that we live in the world, in Latin America and Haiti, in particular. " Boisrolin
said "thank God, some have not abandoned ship after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the USSR. And I think that in this struggle, Che is used to hold firm to the ideals and to guide us in the revolutionary action and even us Haitians, we now have an occupying force. " Transformation

"I rescued the Che Guevara went on to say, the idea that reality can be transformed even when working conditions are not ideal, Henry Boisrolin: Che inspired to continue fighting for freedom in Haiti and around eschatological world anti-imperialist thinking, Che rescued the role given to the connection between the ideological vanguard and the masses, Che rescued the role of revolutionary violence to seize power and change reality. Che also rescued the role of creator who was in Marxist thought, this is a legacy of thought that makes us think more and more in the Che. "
Regarding the situation in Haiti underscored that "a country under occupation
United Nations and are fighting against the occupation, more and more excessive and unnecessary. It is an occupation that has imposed neoliberalism that has caused more misery, more cost of living, a disaster situation, where the Haitian international living by begging and totally disconnected from the masses. " "It's not only kidnapping and murder Haiti, the press did not say that the people continue to fight for their freedom, we will always have this search
and the hope of achieving freedom. Soon they will change the future of Haiti, "he said.
* Source (UNRC Portal Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto)


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