Saturday, July 5, 2008

Womens Brazilian Soccer

Panelist, Organizer and Exhibitor


1. Panelist at the Forum Panel: Problems in the Regulation of Labor Stability Law.
Andean University of Cusco.
April 1991. Cuzco - Peru.

2. Panelist at the First Legal Discussion 1993: The Debate on Labor Legislation.
Andean Center for Regional Studies Bartolomé de las Casas.
May 1993 .- Cuzco - Peru.

3. Panelist at the Forum Panel: New Norms in the workplace.
Regional Directorate of Labour and Social Promotion of the Inca Region.
November 1993 .- Cuzco - Peru. Organizer


1. Organizer of the First Cycle of University Chairs. Universidad Andina del Cusco

Semester 86-II. Cuzco - Peru.

2. Organizer of the Second Law Lecture Series.
Andean University of Cusco.
October 1987. Cuzco - Peru.

3. Forum Organiser: Five-year life of the Labor Stability Law.
Law and Society Association.
July 5, 1991. Cuzco - Peru.

4. Organizing the "Cycle of Conferences on the Law of the 180 Anniversary of the Superior Court of Justice of Cusco, organized by the Superior Court of Cuzco.
1, 2 and 3 February 2005. Cuzco - Peru.

5. Organizing the "Cycle of Conferences on the Law" by workers in the Superior Court of Cuzco, organized by the Superior Court of Cuzco.
26 and April 27 2005. Cuzco - Peru.

6. Organizer of "Lecture on Constitutional Litigation, Civil and Criminal" on the occasion of the jubilee celebrations of Cusco, organized by the Superior Court of Cuzco.
14, 15 and June 16, 2005. Cuzco - Peru.

7. Organizer "Panel Forum: Film and legal arguments in the administration of justice," organized by the Research Center for Law Students and Legal Clinic Public Interest.
24 and August 25, 2005. Cuzco - Peru.

8. Organizer of the Seminar "Exploring Criminal Procedure Code" organized by the Superior Court of Cuzco.
12 and October 13, 2005. Cuzco - Peru.

9. Organizing training course "DNA testing and filiation of illegitimate son," organized by the Ladies Committee of the Superior Court of Justice and Biolinks Cusco.
November 4, 2005. Cuzco - Peru.

10. Organizing the "Cycle of Conferences on the Law of the 181 Anniversary of the Superior Court of Cuzco, organized by the Superior Court of Cuzco.
24, 25 and February 26, 2006. Cuzco - Peru.

11. Organizer of the Seminar "Security Interest Act, organized by the Superior Court of Cuzco.
17 and May 18, 2006. Cuzco - Peru.

12. Organizer of the Seminar "The Proposals for Reform of the Civil Code", organized by the Superior Court of Cuzco.
20, 21 and June 26, 2006. Cuzco - Peru.

13. Organizer of the Seminar "New Trends in Peruvian criminal law, organized by the Faculty of Law at the Technological University of the Andes - Cusco Branch.
19 and July 20, 2006. Cuzco - Peru.

14. Organizer of Law Lecture Series, organized by the Superior Court of Cuzco.
23 and August 24 2006. Cuzco - Peru.

15. Organizer of the Seminar on "Issues on the First Civil Casatorio Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Republic."
Consulting and Training Partnership Forum.
May 31, 2008. Cuzco - Peru. Exhibitor


1. Exhibitor Training Course Update and cooperative.
March 1991. Cuzco - Peru.

2. Exhibitor Course Administrative Organization and Management of Savings and Credit Cooperative FinCoop Cuzco 98.
August 1991. Cuzco - Peru.

3. Lecture at the First Seminar on Micro and Small Enterprises Regional Development as an Alternative. American Civil Partnership
Cuzco. November 1994.

4. Seminar Speaker at the recent tax reform and Labour.
Business Advisors.
February 1996. Cuzco - Peru.

5. Speaker at the First Seminar "Current Labor and amendments in the Pension Systems."
Regional Directorate of Labour and Social
March 1996. Cuzco - Peru.

6. Panel Speaker at the Forum "in the country Labour Law and Social Implications"
District Municipality of Santiago.
May 1997. Cuzco - Peru.

7. Speaker at the "Cycle Conference on Issues of Law Semester 2000-II at the Faculty of Law at the Universidad Andina del Cusco.
Andean University of Cusco.
January 2001. Cuzco - Peru.

8. Exhibitors in the course "Norms and Quality of Services in Tourism and Travel Agencies."
Regional Directorate of Industry and Tourism of the Transitory Council of Regional Administration - Cusco Region.
October 2001. Cuzco - Peru.

9. Speaker at conference organized by the Judicial Academy - Sede Cusco. Topic: "The responsibility of the Judiciary to the Constitutional Law: apropos of fuzzy control and protection constitutional rights. "
August 9, 2002. Cuzco - Peru.

10. Speaker at the Seminar "Justice System", organized by the Superior Court of Cuzco.
January 27, 2004. Cuzco - Peru.

11. Organizer of the Seminar "Modern Approaches to Law", organized by the Superior Court of Cuzco.
January 29, 2004. Cuzco - Peru.

12. Speaker at the "Lecture on Constitutional Procedural Code", organized by the Superior Court of Cuzco.
June 18, 2004. Sichuan - Cuzco - Peru.

13. Speaker at the "Cycle Conference on Constitutional Procedural Code ", organized by the Superior Court of Cuzco.
August 26, 2004. Calca - Cusco - Peru.

14. Speaker at the "Cycle of Constitutional Law Conference, Judicial, Civil and Criminal Law", organized by the Superior Court of Cuzco.
15, 16 and December 17, 2004. Cuzco - Peru.

15. Speaker at the "Lecture Series on Law from the 180 Anniversary of the Superior Court of Justice of Cusco, organized by the Superior Court of Cuzco.
1, 2 and 3 February 2005. Cuzco - Peru.

16. Speaker at the "Lecture Series Constitutional Procedural Law, Civil and Criminal "on the occasion of the jubilee celebrations of Cusco, organized by the Superior Court of Cuzco.
14, 15 and June 16, 2005. Cuzco - Peru.

17. Speaker at the "Lecture Series on Accounting Judicial Expertise," organized by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Cusco.
15 to 19 August 2005. Cuzco - Peru.

18. Speaker at the Seminar "DNA evidence in the judicial process," organized by the Bar Association and Biolinks Cusco.
September 16, 2005. Cuzco - Peru.

19. Exhibitor Seminar "Exploring the Code of Criminal "organized by the Superior Court of Cuzco.
12 and October 13, 2005. Cuzco - Peru.

20. Speaker at the "Lecture Series on Law from the 181 Anniversary of the Superior Court of Cuzco, organized by the Superior Court of Cuzco.
24, 25 and February 26, 2006. Cuzco - Peru.

21. Exhibitor of the Conference "Constitutional jurisdiction", organized by the Superior Court of Cuzco.
27 and March 28, 2006. Cuzco - Peru.

22. Exhibitors of "I Preparation Course PROFA VIII", organized by the Bar Association and the Association of Cusco Educational Cultural Paulo Freyre.
10 to 22 April 2006. Cuzco - Peru.

23. Exhibitor Seminar "Security Interest Act, organized by the Superior Court of Cuzco.
17 and May 18, 2006. Cuzco - Peru.

24. Exhibitor Seminar "Proposals to Reform the Civil Code", organized by the Superior Court of Cuzco.
20, 21 and June 26, 2006. Cuzco - Peru.

25. Speaker at the "Lecture Series on Law, organized by the Superior Court of Cuzco.
23 and August 24, 2006. Cuzco - Peru.

26. Speaker at the Forum on Administrative Process Issues. Law No. 27584. Advisory Forum and Association
Capacitación.14, 15 and April 16, 2008.

27. Speaker at the Forum "proceedings appealed, Form and Judgement in the Administrative Process Act."
Consulting and Training Partnership Forum. 17 and April 18, 2009.

28. Speaker at the Forum "The appeal and proceed cautiously. The purpose of the amendments to the Civil Procedure Code, the laws No. 29364 and No. 29384." Consulting and Training Partnership Forum. 23 and July 24, 2009.


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