Yes!, As such, our School of Law, is paralyzed UV according to the ruling today in the vote closed at about 6 pm, where the results were as follows:
No Mobilization :: 96
Mobilization: 2
Stop: 231
Takes: 47
Null: 1
Votes counted: 377
This means that we are in Paro, which is reflected in unemployment is academic activities (classes , tests, etc..) until Wednesday, the day which will decide If unemployment continues, if more drastic measures are taken, or if we got out of the mobilization.
important thing is that the school remains open, we can make use of it, and that unemployment implies an involvement in the mobilization of FEUV that cleared the Request that at the end of this writing.
What interests me most right now is to spread the word and know that on Wednesday (the day on which no classes either) is about IS STILL VOTE UNEMPLOYMENT OR we got, it is IMPORTANT to vote all because if not fulfilled QUORUM, unemployed CONTINUES!.
and demonstrations involve a lot of activities to be performed in support of our fellow college and for that we have created working committees, committee to prepare the REQUEST INTERNAL legal advisory committee, etc. I leave a document about what are the fees and how they divide the work, for those who wish to participate from Monday. Information on fees
in this document.
CIVIL Upon testing, talk to the teacher tomorrow, and here I report what happens, I hope, I hope this is resolved soon ...
I leave here the FEUV Request to the rector, including, obviously, what for them is the solution to all problems, the head of the president ....
- 2008 freeze tariffs, creation of a commission to discuss the issue of tariffs.
- triestamental Participation in the decisions of the university.
- Student participation in the various committees arranged for steering.
- DICOM step Rejection of the debts of our fellow
- Effective implementation of Decree 3 and 4 transitional tariff regulation for 2003 and 2004 generation students. Creating a new Tariff Regulations to be discussed students. (The students who are 3 classes or less are entitled to lower tariffs)
- nomination Right Mutual Fund for former students.
- immediate solution to the serious infrastructure problems that have careers in college.
atte is dismissed. PiƱa Alvear Jaime
A. Officer 2nd year 09-83656948
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