Structure of National Court The National Court is one of the courts, for powers to be erected as fundamental in our legal system. It prosecuted the most serious crimes can be committed, from which threaten the crown to the terrorists. But since his birth in 1977 through Decree-law, controversy has followed him almost continuously, reaching infringe asserted that ordinary trial rights, the right to a trial with all guarantees or qualify as an exceptional court, although The Constitutional Court has validated its legality through several statements.
Controversy aside, for some, the structure of the National Court and its judicial system integration is unclear. At the time of its creation, the Decree-Law 1 / 1977 of January 4, which was created this body, literally said that this it was " conceived on the model of the classical audience, as bodies of the administration of justice, and without its territorial difference, because while they exercised their jurisdiction over part of the national territory that extends to all it. " It was therefore the intention of the legislature to create a body of type " Provincial Court" to prosecute certain crimes, but whose jurisdiction extended to the entire state.
Originally consisting of two chambers: the Criminal and the Administrative Disputes. In order to examine criminal cases prosecuted after the criminal division, was created three Central Criminal Court.
Over time instead of reducing his powers, this body has taken on more and expand the materials that I knew, until the present structure, which is:
- Criminal Division
- Appellate Division
- Disputes Division of Administrative
- ; Social Chamber
addition, there Central Criminal Court, charged with instructing the causes then prosecute the Criminal Division or the Central Criminal Courts, depending of the kind and severity of the crime. Courts were also established Central Administrative Disputes, Central Penitentiary Surveillance Courts and Central Juvenile Court, all of them, each in their respective disciplines with the common characteristic of knowledge of issues affecting the entire country.